Community Guidelines
To keep our platform safe and respectful, all users must follow these guidelines when uploading content or posting comments.
Allowed Content & Behavior
- Informative descriptions are welcomed but not required, as long as they are relevant to the uploaded content and provide useful context or insights.
- Ensure all content and comments are appropriate, respectful, and relevant.
- Engage in constructive discussions and respect different opinions.
Prohibited Content & Behavior
- Harmful, violent, or explicit material – No nudity, hate speech, threats, or illegal content in uploads or comments.
- Copyright violations – Only upload images you own or have permission to use.
- Spam, self-promotion, or advertisements – Do not misuse the platform to promote personal or commercial content in the descriptions of our pages. Instead we allow self-promotion on your profile page (see below).
- Misleading or deceptive content – No false information or manipulated content intended to deceive others.
- Harassment or abusive behavior – No bullying, insults, or targeted attacks in comments or uploads.
- Private or sensitive information – Do not share personal data such as addresses, phone numbers, or confidential details.
- No AI-generated images, renders, or digital manipulations – Only real-world photographs are allowed.
Image Quality Standards
To maintain the appearance and usefulness of our platform, we prefer high-quality images that are clear and properly framed. Low-quality uploads (blurry, pixelated, or poorly lit images) may be denied.
If an image contains rare or historically significant content where no better version is available, an exception can be made and it may still be accepted.
We prefer the use of images of stock vehicles where possible. This allows us to compare the available colors for a vehicle in their original form, providing a clearer and more accurate representation of each paint option.
If you wish to promote your own content, you are welcome to do so only on your profile page. You can include a link to your Instagram account and add a brief description in your bio, as long as it stays within our acceptable content guidelines.
Moderation & Enforcement
- All uploads and comments are subject to moderation.
- Violations may result in content removal, temporary suspension, or permanent account bans.
- Users are responsible for ensuring their contributions comply with these rules and all applicable laws.
Reporting & Appeals
If you believe your content was mistakenly removed or if you encounter a violation, please contact us.
By uploading content or commenting, you agree to these guidelines and our platform’s terms. Let’s keep this a positive and respectful space!